
Posts Tagged ‘moses’

Genesis Theory

November 23, 2010 3 comments

I am a skeptic of Genesis- especially the creation story. According to the bible the Jews were in captivity in Egypt, where they became the nation of Israel. Joseph went through his trying life in order to get into his position of authority in Egypt through which he was able to bring his family into the country during a time of famine. They became slaves, and multiplied. Then through another odd chain of events Moses is a position of authority in Egypt, and similarly leads the people out through yet another odd chain of events. Then he decides to sit down and write all of history from the beginning of time until now based on oral tradition of the people kept in slavery. That is the origin of Genesis. Just so you know, I do believe it was divinely inspired. However, I do not believe it to be literal on every point. The creation story reads like classic mythology. Any student of mythological religion would agree that the way Genesis 1-3 is not written to be literal, but is a highly figurative story. I would say, because of my belief that it was a prophetic allegory alluding to future events. I’ll write a few more blogs on that idea, since it’s super interesting. I’m tired of creationists, and I’m tired of hearing atheists rant on how the earth isn’t 6,000 years old and concluding that God is all a myth because of some obviously bad interpretation of the bible. Stop being a young Earth creationist. And if you’re an atheist, stop having this one little misunderstanding be the backbone of your disbelief. Read the scripture; look at science; ask: do they really conflict?